

One of the biggest make-it-or-break-it factors for a single entrepreneur or a complete organization, is being able to establish, maintain and grow a solid and constructive network. Succeed and you will have a business able to withstand just about anything with opportunities coming your way almost constantly. One of the many values of running a business in Blekinge are the very strong and very close networks that exist.


In Blekinge, distances are short – not only geographically but also mentally. There’s an unusually strong regional passion and pride among the people living here. The public sector as well as private companies all share a strong drive to a common development of business in the region. One thing proving this is that over time, many formal as well as informal business networks have established themselves in the region. These are created out of both industry and geographical reason and are driven by business value and personal relations. New entrepreneurs as well as companies establishing themselves in Blekinge are immediately provided access to the people and networks needed for them to run and develop their businesses. Something that Station Interactive have benefitted greatly from. “Being a startup in smaller town has many advantages. A lot of people want to see you succeed, they want to see new companies grow with new people moving in. That spirit is harder to find in bigger cities”, says Mattias Nygren.

The reason it’s very easy to run a business in Blekinge is that you’re so close to official decision-makers and other people in the same position as yourself. It’s really great for networking since everybody are so close to each other” – Mattias Nygren, CEO at The Station


In Blekinge there are two science parks, Blue Science Park and NetPort Science Park, both acting as a bridge between research and business, offering a common ground for companies, researchers and students. Together, they have some 200 companies and organizations as members within the areas of Digital Media, Energy, eHealth, Intelligent Transportation, Marine Technology and Telecoms/IT. Through these science parks, you are provided with easy access to other companies and their staff, decision makers in the public sector, researchers and students, new knowledge, support and help for the development of new or existing products and services.
Techtank Advanced Engineering Alliance is an industrial cluster and a regional development organisation in Blekinge, southeastern Sweden, whose mission is to strengthen the competitiveness of the industry. Their business is aimed at industrial and technology companies as well as industry-related companies of all sizes. They work actively and close to the companies to identify their needs and coordinate efforts to meet the challenges – in the present and in the future.

Techtank is owned by Blekinge Regional Council along with Blekinge’s five municipalities – Karlshamn, Karlskrona, Olofström, Ronneby and Sölvesborg.